Where to stay around Nashville

Nashville Neighborhoods

We hope the information in this section will assist everyone in finding a place to stay for the 2025 Nunez Reunion. We assume some will want to get an Airbnb-type for your family.  Others will want to stay in a convenient hotel.  Where to stay will likely depend on costs, when you plan to arrive, how long you will stay, and what other activities you may want to experience while in Nashville.  There is much to see and experience in Nashville.

The following Map shows the following locations that may serve as guides for your stay:

  • Location of the venue of the Reunion Celebration: Mary Queen of Angels Assisted Living

  • Location of Ann Marie’s home

  • Location of Nashville International Airport

We have identified several neighborhoods/areas on the Map to target your hotel:

1.      Bell Mead – South of the Reunion - Within 8-15 minute drive to the Reunion

2.      West End – East of the Reunion - Within 8-15 minute drive to the Reunion

3.      12 South – East of the Reunion - Within 8-15 minute drive to the Reunion

4.      Donnelson – North of the Airport - This is where Ann Marie and Nathan live - Approximately 30-minute drive to and from the Reunion

5.      The Airport Vicinity – South-East of Downtown Nashville – Approximately 30-minute drive to and from the Reunion.

6.      Downtown Nashville – Within 15-20 minutes from the Reunion.

Map:  Neighborhoods 1 – 4 are good options for Airbnb opportunities.  There are also several hotel options in all of these.

Area 5 (near the airport) has multiple hotels which are generally priced lower than in other areas.  The majority of these provide a shuttle service to and from the airport. This can be very convenient for those traveling to the Reunion for the weekend only.


To assist in choosing where to stay we have identified some hotels in the areas 1-6 (except in the Donelson Area).  The price per night figures are based on a stay at all the hotels on June 27th and 28th, 2024.  As expected, prices per night are lower near Nashville Airport, and higher in downtown Nashville.  The Hilton Nashville Airport property (5C) may be the most attractive place as it is a Hilton Hotel with all the amenities of the Hilton chain and near the airport, at a reasonable price.  Please note: We priced these hotels in October 2024. These prices may be subject to change as they are dynamic and fluctuate based on supply and demand.

Bell Mead Area

  • Hyatt Place- Nashville / Green Hills Area - $299

  • Hampton Inn & Suites - Nashville / Green Hills Area - $217

West End Area

  • Extended Stay America – Nashville / Vanderbilt - $155

  • Holiday Inn Nashville / Vanderbilt (Downtown)- $184

  • Nashville Marriot at Vanderbilt University - $273

12 South Area – TBD

Donelson Area

  • The Inn at Opryland - A Gaylord Hotel - $271

The Airport Vicinity Area (A, B and C have a shuttle service to Airport)

  • Double Tree Suites by Hilton Hotel Nashville Airport - $171

  • Hyatt House Nashville Airport - $166

  • Hilton Nashville Airport - $170

  • Hilton BNA Nashville Airport Terminal - $212

Downtown Nashville

  • Sheraton Grand Nashville Downtown - $373

  • Holiday Inn Express Nashville Downtown – Broadway - $389

  • Hilton Nashville Downtown - $557

  • Hyatt Place Nashville Downtown - $489


For anyone not wanting to rent a car for the reunion, we will likely have several of the families that will be traveling by car and can provide transportation.  Let us know your plans and we will put together a car pooling plan once we know who is coming and has additional space in their car.